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Ecopare Ltd, the practical energy efficiency company

Paint Shop Spray Booth Energy Analysis

Industrial Energy Management

Industrial Process Energy Measurement 

Birmingham, UK

Organisation Type
Automotive OEM
Facility Type
Paint Shop, Spray Booth

Project Scope 

An automotive OEM's paint shop's operational team wanted to undertake a spray booth energy analysis to see if there were opportunities to reduce its energy consumption.   Ecopare's Lean Energy Management solution was installed over a four week time frame to gather real-time energy data in the major energy systems including the air handling units, robot lines vs manual spray lines, central water reticulation and lighting systems.

Key activities included:

  • Installation of electricity sensors on all motors and pumps including AHUs, water reticulation, robots and lighting.
  • Installation of gas meters on group AHUs, temperature sensors on incoming airflows.
  • Detailed energy capture for 4 weeks to capture weekly production trends.
  • Real-time reporting plus big data post project analytics.

Project Outcomes 

On the back of the provided information, the client was able to:

  • Optimise the weekly start-up procedure to reduce the run hours by 10% reducing the annual running cost by £52,000.
  • Identification of down-time and welfare-breaks energy cost.
  • Kicked off booth pressure balancing project to optimise air-flow to reduce energy costs
  • Identified downstream project to replace oven burners to optimise gas usage.
Industrial Process Gas metering
Energy Measurement of a Spray Booth
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