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Ecopare Ltd, the practical energy efficiency company

Occupancy Energy Audit

Energy Management
 > Occupancy vs Energy

The smart way to manage your business energy usage 

Reducing office energy usage to match occupancy levels 

With the Work From Home operating model establishing itself in business so organisations need to adjust their energy consumption to match the new occupancy levels.

The energy consumption per employee needs to be established in the business lexicon to ensure that it is measured, managed and optimised.

Ecopare's proven energy auditing and energy reduction programmes use a three step plan to:

  1. Identify energy usage, occupancy levels and occupational data.
  2. Develop an energy vs occupancy model of the pre-pandemic vs post-pandemic levels to highlight opportunities
  3. Create a work-plan of activities required to reduce energy consumption to match the reduced occupancy levels.

Who is it for

Organisations that have had a significant level of their staff working from home and and are wanting to increase their office occupancy on a gradual basis will benefit most from this service.

These businesses include:

  • Commercial businesses in owned or leased office space
  • Business centres with multiple businesses renting office space
  • Manufacturing or logistics businesses with on-site administration offices
  • Leisure, hospitality and retail businesses with back office areas
  • Public Sector buildings

Key Features

  • Detailed energy audit that is focused on energy cost per building user
  • Detailed plan on how to reduce energy consumption due to reduced building occupancy
  • Ready to use implementation plan to enable energy savings
  • Delivered by a Certified Energy Auditor who understands your business

How it works

We review the following data and processes:

  • Utility bills including electricity, gas, other fuels and water
  • Estate or facility layout, building fabric and operational times
  • Main energy consumers including lighting, heating systems, small power
  • For industrial clients we also review all industrial plant and machinery

The report will identify the energy usage across the site broken down into main energy consumer areas.

We will provide a useful narrative as to how we see these energy systems being managed in terms of optimising their energy use. This usually takes the form of a traffic light basis to identify assets that need attention first and those that can wait.

The heart of the report is the recommendations on reducing your energy usage across the site. These are provided with estimated payback time frames, risk to the business and financial implications.

Our team's credentials

Ecopare's energy team are made up of professional energy managers and auditors.   We can assist you in all aspects of energy management and energy reduction programmes. 

The Audit Process

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